About Me

     Hi Guys!  First, I would like to say, thank you so much for visiting my page and showing interest in what I do!  I love sharing my story with people and sometimes I get carried away so I will try to keep it short and sweet, like me!  ;)
    I was born in Florida, raised in Georgia by my wonderful Grandparents.  I was a total nerd in school and worked from the time I was old enough to, sometimes 2 or even 3 Jobs (yes, I was crazy!)   My grandmother always told me that all of the work I was doing was going to one day give me a nervous breakdown.  Well, I thrived on being busy and I hate boredom so I kept going!  This made me realize that I am very much like my grandfather.  I will probably work my whole life just because my mind must be busy and I must be moving or I might as well not be here.  One thing my grandmother made clear to me when I was finishing up with school, was that I wasn't allowed to stay in the town I grew up in, I had to go and make something of myself and put forth as much effort as I did (on practically nothing) during those years of busting my butt while in school.  
    I joined the military and it took me to Las Vegas.  While there, I volunteered every day at a ranch for 3-4 hours a day (keeping with my usual pace!)  I loved it!  That is also when I noticed that my body wasn't acting like that of a normal person in their early 20s.  My knees began to ache, then my hips, shoulders, neck, back (degenerative disk disease) and so on.  Pain began to consume me.  My emotions were on a serious roller coaster and I had no control over my life.  My body was taxed and it let me know.  They found a pituitary tumor in 2010 and I fought with doctors that were mainly useless and finally in 2011, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  You would think I was devastated, but really, it was somewhat of a relief.  Instead of just being told that it was in my head and that there was nothing to be done.  

     This started a new chapter in my life.  I was determined to get my health back and be in my peak shape EVER.  I started researching Fibromyalgia, the associated hormone imbalances that I was experiencing and the Osteopenia that had developed as a result of the slow diagnosis.  Not surprisingly, diet, stress, and exercise are a HUGE part in helping people with Fibromyalgia.  Those of you with Fibro that are reading this are probably thinking I am crazy since some or most days, you can barely move.  I am telling you, I went from crying daily because I was considering a WHEEL CHAIR to where I am today.  I even considered at one point of "letting" the love of my life "move on" because I didn't think it was fair to him to be stuck with someone that was not the person he knew and then have to take care of that person and not enjoy their company.  It takes time but you really have to work on yourself!

     In my journey to recover my health, a friend of mine from Tech School introduced me to BeachBody.  I rode it out for a while as a discount coach for a while and only focused on myself and not running a business.  I consumed Shakeology daily and did what workouts I could, mostly modifying.  I went from barely walking to training for Half-Marathons and doing intense workouts that once though I would never be able to attempt again.  I started finding the confidence in myself that I once had and realized that Beachbody is so much more than a business to me, my life depends on it.  

     If you are like me and have a lot of internal healing to do, this is the best place to start!  Join one of my challenge groups or sign up to be a coach to take advantage of the discounts.